Privacy Policy

Firm "GHS-COM" SRL - personal data processor under No. 0001929.

When purchasing a product on the website, the client provides the following information: Surname, First name, delivery address, email address, phone number.
By providing his personal data on the website, the Client agrees to their processing by the Seller, including for the purpose of promoting the seller of goods and services.
The client is obliged to know that all information provided for the implementation of this service will not be disseminated to unauthorized persons or websites. An exception may be the provision of this information at the request of the competent authorities of the Mongolia or at the request of a court. The seller is responsible for non-disclosure of confidential information. The client is obliged to provide accurate information. If the client provides false information, the seller is not responsible for the information provided and for the resulting consequences.

Security measures 
We use commercial security measures to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure correct use of site information. Data transmission over the Internet or wireless network cannot be completely secured. Therefore, just like other companies, we cannot guarantee the security of the information that you provide to us, thereby you do this at your own peril and risk.

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